Karen Morrow

has raised $6,775
so far!

Hello! My name is Karen Morrow, and I am a registered nurse at Sheltering Arms Institute, a physical rehabilitation hospital. Nursing is my second career after 25 plus years of being a full-time stay-at-home mom to four children, who are now grown. I enjoy rehab nursing and helping patients during a difficult time in their life. It is rewarding to see patients get stronger, more confident, and capable through their rehab journey.

I am not new to service work and find the experience very rewarding. I chaperoned youth group trips for many years and thoroughly enjoyed it. One of the highlights was going to Gulfport Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. We were able to help complete home repairs for a family in need after the destruction of Katrina. I also went on a medical mission trip to Haiti in 2016. The experience changed me. We held several clinics in various villages. Lines formed several hours prior to our opening to receive basic medical care and medications. We were not able to see everyone so some waited hours but were not seen. I was awed by the patience and endurance of the Haitian people we served. I was struck by the extreme poverty but even more humbled by the Haitians deep faith and indominable spirit.

It has been a lifelong dream to go to Africa and experience the people, culture, and beauty of the country. When I met Michael Farley and learned of his many years of service to the Makindu Children’s Centre I knew instantly I wanted to be a part of the Adventure for a Cause. I look forward to serving the children at Makindu Children’s Centre and will surely receive much more than I give. The funds raised will impact many lives. Thank you in advance for your support. I’m excited to serve, learn and be transformed.