Elizabeth Poole

has raised $2,850
so far!

My name is Elizabeth Poole, and I am ecstatic to be able to join this year’s Proper Walk to directly impact and raise funds for the Makindu Children’s Program.  I am the owner and founder of Foundation’s Pilates and Physical Therapy in Crozet, Va and have dedicated my career to helping people improve their lives through exercise and movement.  My parents have been a huge influence for me in both pursuing a career of service, as well as participating in this program. They were both Peace Corps members in Africa and often shared with me stories of their time spent working to improve the lives of the people in the region. Being raised in multiple remote areas and watching them work to help better the lives of those nearby instilled this same purpose in me, as well as gave me an appreciation for the spending time in nature, which I continue today with my husband and two sons.  

After learning about the tremendous benefit the participants of the Proper walk, and their supporters can bring to the children of the Makindu region, I was excited to join.  This adventure will give me the opportunity to follow in the path of my parents and bring my skills, talents and efforts to the team for a successful 2024 program.

Thank you for your support!!!